Complementary Medical Association (CMA) Membership Benefits

The CMA is an internationally recognised elite force in professional, ethical complementary medicine comprising of professional practitioners, doctors, and the public.

Upon completion of our CMA approved Diploma, you can gain membership to The CMA, which in addition to supplying a professional accreditation, offers numerous benefits.

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The following advantages are available to The CMA registered members:

The prestige of belonging to The CMA

Recognised by the public and doctors alike as the elite force in professional, ethical complementary medicine.

Inclusion on The CMA website

Your details will be included on the CMA online database, enabling people looking for services to find you more easily. The CMA website gets over 2 million hits each month.

The opportunity to contribute to The CMA website

Tell the world about your experiences with complementary or conventional medicine, or any important news that you would like to disseminate widely and rapidly.

The CMA Referrals Scheme

The CMA is the only organisation which runs a referral scheme to help you build your business. CMA registered members are automatically entitled to join The CMA Referral Scheme. Your details will be accessible to every doctor and health care worker in the UK directly on their desk via The CMA website and also via the Discovery Channel website.

Free Website

CMA provide you with your own mini-website where you can update your information, add testimonials, a picture or logo, and can guide you through the setup process.


The opportunity to contribute to the media with articles, TV and radio appearances. We are constantly approached by members of the media for information about complementary medicine and the latest updates

Low cost insurance

The CMA has developed the ultimate insurance package in conjunction with a first class underwriter. Contact Balens on 01684 580771 or click here

Links to conventional medicine

Recent research in GP Magazine showed that over 70% of doctors would like to be able to refer many of their patients to complementary medical practitioners. The doctor’s magazine “Pulse” has already set up a website link to The CMA site so that doctors can access The CMA Referrals Scheme easily. The General Medical Council regularly refers journalists to us at The CMA as the GMC recognises that The CMA is a responsible, ethical organisation that is the voice of reason within the complementary medical field. The British Medical Journal (BMJ) is the publication of the British Medical Association and they regularly report on articles and press releases produced by The CMA.

Government liaison

As a Member of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, we keep you informed about what’s going on in the Government and Europe.

Weekly newsletter

CMA send a weekly newsletter to keep you up to date with the vast number of activities that they are involved in.

Exhibitions and conferences

The CMA is a major player in the Exhibition scene – they support all the high profile exhibitions and have a wonderful exhibition stand that you can come along to and get involved with – it will help you to promote and grow your business.

Speaking opportunities

CMA are constantly contacted by exhibition companies and product manufacturers who are looking for top level speakers. If you would like to get involved in speaking on the national and international circuits please contact the CMA.

CMA Approved Suppliers

CMA have an ongoing process of selecting the very best companies in the complementary medical field and awarding them with our CMA Approved Supplier Award – so that you know which of the many thousands of companies out there are actually offering the most ethical and professional service and have a strong commitment to developing the complementary and natural healthcare industries.

Marketing and business development

The CMA is a significant resource of information for you to take advantage of. They have regular business development seminars and are happy to give members guidance when faced with business development issues. The CMA are passionate about helping you to become as successful as you can possibly be.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

This is a vital factor when working in the complementary medical field – in order for you to offer your clients the very best service, it is essential that you are kept up to date with all the developments in the field and therefore The CMA require members to undertake ongoing personal and professional development and can assist in doing this.

The CMA is a not-for-profit organisation – working for you.

Get the professional recognition your skills deserve by joining now!